KWA Receives Additional $1 Million in CARES Funding for Rental Assistance

October 12, 2020

Korean Women’s Association (KWA) announced it has accepted an additional $1 million grant from Pierce County Human Services CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund to support rental assistance in Pierce County for people directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This funding will allow us to provide assistance to residents of our low-income housing properties as well as clients who wish to maintain their permanent housing during the COVID-19 pandemic. With this funding, KWA can assist individuals and families who reside in Pierce County.

The eligibility requirements include employment or income loss due to COVID-19, current income is at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI), and all must be Pierce County Residents.

Those seeking rental assistance can contact our dedicated staff for this assistance program at 253.353.5502 or email

Stay Home, Stay Healthy is a simple directive to help us all stay safe and reduce the spread of COVID-19, but it’s not so simple if the threat of eviction is looming over your head. Peace of mind, the knowledge that you and your family are safe, remaining in your own home – these may seem like basic rights, but many in our community are fearful and stressed now more than ever before over these simple realities.

KWA received a previous grant of $555,800 grant in June. Those funds allowed KWA to provide rental assistance for more than 200 households. “Given the state of the economy due to the pandemic people more than ever need our help”, says Pete Ansara, KWA CEO.

Many in our communities are suffering from income-loss, which has a serious trickle-down effect. Paying bills, providing food and security to dependents, making simple ends meet has become big stressors in everyday life. Our homes have become our offices, classrooms, and more – but what if you’re at risk of losing this space?

KWA has a long legacy of providing affordable housing and rental assistance for low-income persons and seniors. KWA owns and manages a varied portfolio of properties – with more than 200 units of affordable housing for working, disabled, and seniors with various incomes. We currently operate two low-income housing properties, The Hotel Olympus and The Orchard Project.

KWA provides services and care to the state’s most vulnerable populations and these funds will allow the organization to address the following operational efforts. Continuing to care for people at risk of isolation, lower-income elders, housing insecure persons, communities who need culturally-specific communication and care, and much more.

Responding to the growing economic and health crisis presented by COVID-19, KWA will continue its operation until told otherwise. The communities of people who depend on KWA services, ranging from benefits enrollment, domestic violence assistance, in-home care, senior services, and more, are often those who are marginalized, at heightened risk of isolation, and needing services in multiple languages.